Bembridge Scows
The first Solent Scows were built around 100 years ago in Lymington. After the Second World War fleets of scows grew all around the Solent as their popularity increased and at their yard, A.A Coombes built over two hundred wooden scows, the majority of which were based in Bembridge. During the 1970s, the following for these classic dinghies waned and many were sold on to Yarmouth, Keyhaven and Christchurch.
The revival of the Bembridge Scow came in the mid-1980s when a mould was made of one of the original wooden hulls and they began to be built again but now in glass reinforced plastic. To date over two hundred and forty GRP Bembridge Scows have been built confirming the design’s timeless appeal and reliability.

Scows for Sale
We have a number of new G.R.P Scows in stock, all with white hulls and the following deck colours:
Light Grey, Mid Grey, Oxford Blue, Pale Blue
Sail away - with plain white sails - £5950.00
Various optional extras are available